Old blog on Climate change
Sunday 6 th feb Thought I would just check in and see if the blog was still working... If you're reading this it must be. Interesting topic this week was "climate-gate" prompted by a television programme on climate sceptics. TV programme was a bit of a disappointment but at least it made me address some of my prejudices to see if a can convince myself that I have an informed position rather than one based on an irrational dislike of the whole carbon trading, "holier than thou" brigade and equally a dislike of the businesses who see increasing levels of pollution simply as a tradeable commodity on a balance sheet. What was crystal clear from the review in http://www.thegwpf.org/images/stories/gwpf-reports/Climategate-Inquiries.pdf is that the Climate Research Unit CRU has been infected by non-scientific thinking i.e key CRU staff appear to believe they are on a mission to save the earth, or their research grants depending on your level of cy...