Old blog on Climate change

Sunday 6th feb

Thought I would just check in and see if the blog was still working... If you're reading this it must be.

Interesting topic this week was "climate-gate" prompted by a television programme on climate sceptics. TV programme was a bit of a disappointment but at least it made me address some of my prejudices to see if a can convince myself that I have an informed position rather than one based on an irrational dislike of the whole carbon trading, "holier than thou" brigade and equally a dislike of the businesses who see increasing levels of pollution simply as a tradeable commodity on a balance sheet.

What was crystal clear from the review in


is that the Climate Research Unit CRU has been infected by non-scientific thinking i.e key CRU staff appear to believe they are on a mission to save the earth, or their research grants depending on your level of cynicism, thus anyone who does not agree with them must be discredited. The techniques of dis-creditation being that hardy perennial i.e the Emperors Suit of Clothes - if you can't see how wonderfully accurate and beyond question our climate models are (and no you can't see all the evidence on which they are based as as you wouldn't understand it anyway) you are obviously a flat earth idiot and/or in the pay of Industrialists hell bent on destroying the planet and the much more disturbing and incredibly offensive technique of labelling anyone who disagrees with their view a "denier" (akin to a holocaust denier) and thus a person who in all probability deserves severe punishment.

What is scary is how effective these techniques still are as shown by the four seriously flawed and biased from the the very outset investigations (white washes) of the CRU are all covered in great detail in the attached report .

Note:  Edited, simply to remove most of the typos. on 28/Nov/2018


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