Essential Reading on Climate Change

Where to Start 

As a starter I suggest the following
  • Presentation by a founding member of GreenPeace - Dr Patrick Moore
  • A measured and reflective presentation by an ex-consensus supporter Dr Judith Curry. The presentation following hers contains - but its done quite cleverly - some of the techniques (*) used by a  mainstream supporter Dr David Titley of Penn State University also a US Navy Rear admiral to try and discredit their opponents while sycophantically (*) praising a co-mainstream supporter i.e in this case Prof. Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann who also happens to be a Director at Penn State.. 
  • Something to consider about the current, far less the future, consequences of supporting the climate change driven taxes “green” energy subsidy policies – here you can see who it is thats really benefiting from climate change  - those cashing in on massive green energy subsidies !!- and those who are losing out surprise, surprise the poorest households 

  • the video from the page above 

Please stay with the last  video above  I  was getting concerned for a while that it was somehow a cleverly disguised anti-Labour propaganda - but no  it does have plenty of Tories also in the frame..

(*)  -  needs justification which i will address in later posts

Surely someone must have cried "Foul!" before? -  How did we get here 

YES they have - article from the ToryGraph (it pains me to do so !) in 2010 highlighting concerns over fraud /serious misrepresentation and manipulation of data by the IPCC and mainstream supporters

If after reviewing you’re getting a bit concerned along the lines of  "I'm no  fool - can this all be true ? - have I been conned, misled by the good old BBC and the likes of salt of the Earth Sir David Attenborough lamenting melting arctic ice caps, vanishing polar bears ...." then you must read the paper below on Groupthink.  Even if you remain convinced of the solidity of the mainstream position the papers claims about how Groupthink provides a better understanding of major fiascos /disasters such as Pearl Harbour, the Korean and Vietnam wars and I’m sure the UK dodgy dossier supporting invading IRAQ are worth pursuing. 

Of course comment on, challenge,critique anything above. I feel myself already becoming not simply a climate change sceptic which I regard as perfectly legitimate position in all senses but a climate change cynic which is not so good. However please don’t ever use the term “denier” a la "holocaust denier" - I'd find that very offensive and we may just fall out over it as I regard those who use as the hacks in the Guardian regularly do somewhat akin to racists  why ? see my post on Flat Earthers .

AND again 

  • I’m not so arrogant and deluded as to think the above articles prove or that I ever could prove that the scientific aspects of the mainstream position are wrong 
  • I am so arrogant - won't come as a surprise to many who know me 😉- as to think they show that any serious thinker needs to at least refresh and reconsider the solidity of the evidence for their position either way !


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